Interview of Patrick Heinemann after his last mission in Albania

December 24, 2013/by limbus

3 questions to Jean-Michel Schaeffer, board member of AGPM, after his mission to Kenya

Why did you agree to participate to this exploratory mission…
December 4, 2013/by limbus

Advocacy for improved partnerships with NGOs, from humanitarian emergency, reconstruction and development

December 4, 2013/by limbus

N°5 – December 2013

1 nouvelle capitalisation et de nouveaux travaux en cours...

December 1, 2013/by limbus

N°5 – December 2013

1 nouvelle capitalisation et de nouveaux travaux en cours...

December 1, 2013/by limbus

Annual session of heads of institutions Cneap in La Rochelle: international cooperation in the spotlight

From November 20 to 22 held in La Rochelle the annual meeting…
November 28, 2013/by limbus

The agricultural colleges of Madagascar at the meeting of the professional agricultural settlements of Southern Africa and the Indian Ocean (REAP AAOI)

Develop exchanges between professionals of agricultural establishments in…
November 26, 2013/by limbus

Free access to water in the georgian cowsheds

After the first experiments on food during 2012, the…
November 6, 2013/by limbus

In Burkina, cowpea producers better trained in soil and water conservation

October 24, 2013/by limbus

Network education to rural development : to an educator’s guide

Following their training curriculum as relevant regional EADR-SI…
October 18, 2013/by limbus

New commitment of Fert with the farmers of North Africa

After a first phase of capacity building of peasant organizations…
October 3, 2013/by limbus

Agricultural issues in Madagascar: Fert invites its partners cereal organizations in the debate

On September the 5th 2013, on the occasion of the arrival in…
October 2, 2013/by limbus