Agroecology: the experience of unions cowpea producers [Burkina Faso]

For ten years, members of unions cowpea producers in the…
November 19, 2014/by limbus

Representatives of the Cereal Growers Association visit farmers organizations of the cereals’ sector in France [Kenya]

A delegation of four representatives of the Kenyan farmers’…
November 12, 2014/by limbus

Exciting new meeting for the network of regional correspondents EADR-SI

November 3, 2014/by limbus

25 years of Fifata: Malagasy farmers celebrate a quarter century of peasant organization [Madagascar]

October 28, 2014/by limbus

Capitalization of the RCM experience (Mediterranean Agro-Systems Innovation Network)

As part of the capitalization process of the RCM* (led by Fert…
October 23, 2014/by limbus

Videos to educate farmers, researchers and policymakers on Conservation Agriculture [Morocco]

October 2, 2014/by limbus

Grouping of agricultural colleges actors to Ambalavao [Madagascar]

From June 30th to July 10th, the 4 agricultural colleges network's…
September 4, 2014/by limbus

N°7 – July 2014

Durant le printemps 2014, Fert a continué à s'inscrire dans…
August 28, 2014/by limbus

New opportunities for the Belarusian producers

Within the framework of the partnership between the RDC Stolin…
August 28, 2014/by limbus

Mission to France for a delegation of the agricultural colleges team [Madagascar]

August 19, 2014/by limbus

In the footsteps of Saccos and rural markets [Tanzania]

Eight years after this commitment, Thomas came back…
July 30, 2014/by limbus

EADR-SI : auction floor and contest about family farming

Network Education In Rural Development and International…
July 28, 2014/by limbus