Geographic location: Amoron’i Mania, Menabe, Vakinankaratra and Ihorombe regions
In partnership with Fifata and as part of a national programme coordinated by the Agriculture Ministry, Fert has set up 4 FRDA (regional agricultural development funds):
– in the Amoron’i Mania and Menabe regions with funding from the European Union and the MinAgri (2009-2011 and 2013- 2015)
– in the Ihorombe region with funding from Fida as part of the Aropa project (2011)
– in the Vakinankaratra region with funding from the AFD, MinAgri and Helvetas Swiss Intercoopération (2011-2014)
In 2013 more than 40,000 producers and their families received services financed by the FRDAs, consisting for the most part of production support services, farm infrastructure and equipment – hydro-agricultural dams, vaccination squeeze chutes, storage warehouses – and professional structuring.
In November 2012, the Malagasy government voted in the Council of Ministers, the creation of the Agricultural Development Fund (FDA) nationwide.