
Cefades (Centre de Formation et d’Animation pour un Développement Solidaire), Unitu (Provincial Union of Producer Groups of North Kivu), AFD

Geographic location

North Kivu, Béni and Lubéro territories


The 22 member groups of the Young Union of Producer Organisations Unitu have been equipped with administrative-management and logistical tools. Located in homogeneous agro-ecological areas, they have identified specialised crops around which storage and marketing activities are gradually taking shape.

In this area where humanitarian aid, while necessary, compromises development efforts, Fert also supports the work of Cefades (Centre de Formation et d’Animation pour un Développement Solidaire), a Congolese NGO established in 1995 with support from Fert, which was able to strengthen its offer of vocational training in cottage industries and agriculture.

In 2012, funding for the action came to an end.