
Capitalization of the RCM experience (Mediterranean Agro-Systems Innovation Network)

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As part of the capitalization process of the RCM* (led by Fert for 25 years) , that Fert leads with the cooperation of the F3E the animation team found itself in Rabat (Morocco) for a workshop organized from 28 till 30 August 2014 to officially…

Grouping of agricultural colleges actors to Ambalavao [Madagascar]

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From June 30th to July 10th, the 4 agricultural colleges network's stakeholders in Madagascar  have their annual reunion to Ambalavao. This event allowed the teams to take stock of the 2013-2014 school year and prepare for the next. Youth…

New opportunities for the Belarusian producers

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Within the framework of the partnership between the RDC Stolin and Fert, Jean-Yves Francart, farmer to Aureille (13), visited Belarus in early June to bring his expertise for an improvement of the income of the truck-farming producers of the…

In the footsteps of Saccos and rural markets [Tanzania]

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  Eight years after this commitment, Thomas came back to Tanzania to meet the people he worked with,  and find out the impact of these projects.           Thomas, after 8 years, you're…

EADR-SI : auction floor and contest about family farming

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Network Education In Rural Development and International Solidarity (PARD-SI) capped off the school year! Two news are honored    : the opening of the 2014 edition of the Auction floor EADR-SI, and the launch of a contest on…

Movement of European Commissioner Andris Piebalgs to Madagascar

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Andris Piebalgs, European Commissioner for Development, went to Madagascar to confirm the return to normal relations between the European Union (EU) and Madagascar and initiate discussions on the programming of EU funding for the period 2014-2020. In…