The first results of the breeders of Akhaltsikhe in Georgia

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Introduced in 2011, this action aims to help the breeders to introduce or to master better the technical factors of progress and to develop the functions and the services which they consider necessary (technical advice, training, supply, insemination,…

An international and solidarity week in the agricultural colleges of Cneap

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Every year since 1998, the Week of International Solidarity  (SSI) animates the third week of November. For this great national meeting on  awareness of international solidarity and sustainable development, thousands of events are held all…

Agricord’s President at the European Development Days

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    During the European Development Days organized in Bruxelles the 16th and 17th of October 2012, the Agricord's president Piet Vanthemsche has participated in a panel on 'Growing a better future for farmers in developing…

Flashback to the meeting of the network RCM in Beirut

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Some members of the RCM (Mediterranean crops network) met in restricted group in Beirut at the occasion of the regional meeting promoting the Conservation Agriculture organized by the GIZ and the Acsad from 18 till 22 June 2012. The RCM meeting…

The experience of Rova in the Grain of Salt magazine – Inter Rural Development Networks

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A découvrir dans le dernier numéro de la Revue Grain de Sel (Inter Réseaux Développement rural), un article sur le défi relevé par l’Union de Coopératives laitières Rova qui a décidé de produire et de commercialiser des produits de qualité destiné au marché local et accessibles aux différentes catégories sociales