Based on the recognition that the economic inclusion of young people is a major issue for many actors in the world of development, ADA and Entrepreneurs du Monde wanted to promote a sharing of best practices by organizing an exchange workshop with other actors in the sector .

The aim of this professional meeting will be to take stock and highlight new avenues of reflection on the financial and economic inclusion of young Africans among development practitioners.

This workshop will be organized in Lyon

May 10, 2017

From 14.00 to 18.00

This meeting will take the form of a workshop-conference between ADA, Entrepreneurs du Monde, Handicap International and other development actors with projects in this area or interested in the subject. After an introductory round table, 4 thematic workshops will be offered to the participants.

Fert will speak at the workshop

“How to support the integration of rural youth in agriculture?”

This workshop is free, but only for development professionals