On the occasion of the last Board of directors of the association Adad, the President, Mr  Ramazan KAZA, presented his greetings to all his members. He took the opportunity to remind the path with the support of the team and his partners, in particular Fert.

The results of these 25 years working, mainly focusing on the arboriculture, are visible in orchards and in economy of the exploitations but also in sectors on a national scale: indeed, Adad can be proud to contribute today to the creation of references, experimental orchards, timber yards, storage units, packaging or processing.

He also emphasized the impact of territorial initiatives which allowed certain groups to value better assets, know-how, resources of their region and to play so a driving role for its development.

Proud of the path traveled, Mr Ramazan KAZA notes that in the institutional plan, the Adad association is today unique in Albania and that she can exemplify other producers.

Formulating his wishes for the future of Adad, the President measures the scope of the works that remains to be done and the difficulties balancing the budget; on this point, he expressed the hope that public authorities – beyond the recognition of the role played by the association, the established agreements and the encouragements – can bring a real financial support for actions carried out by Adad regarding agricultural or rural development.

For the moment, he counted on the involvement of all his members to approach new stakes as the development of new sectors (pomegranates, nuts) and, more widely, to contribute to a better valuation of these zones of mountain. Challenges important to recover for these organized producers, and for whom partnerships and collaborations will be important to maintain and to develop.