Fert conférence REAP AAOI 2

The agricultural colleges of Madagascar at the meeting of the professional agricultural settlements of Southern Africa and the Indian Ocean (REAP AAOI)

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Develop exchanges between professionals of agricultural establishments in the area, this is the goal of the young professionals network of agricultural establishments in Southern Africa and Indian Ocean (REAP AAOI). After the first conference…

Network education to rural development : to an educator’s guide

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Following their training curriculum as relevant regional EADR-SI and a first exchange meeting in April 2013, members of the EADR-SI network (Education for rural development - International Solidarity) now 20 persons were again recovered from…

Agricultural issues in Madagascar: Fert invites its partners cereal organizations in the debate

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On September the 5th 2013, on the occasion of the arrival in France of Mr Harison Randriarimanana, former Minister of Agriculture in Madagascar, Fert has invited the leaders of the cereal group* to talk with him on agricultural situation in…

Jean-Christophe Rufin, Grand Témoin for an thematic breakfast Fert / TerrEthique

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In May, Fert and TerrEthique jointly organized in the building of agricultural organizations Porte Maillot, a breakfast on the topic: Towards new global balance: associations and companies in a common destiny. Doctor, writer, diplomat, Jean-Christophe…
Fert Cneap acteurs colleges agricoles

Towards a federation of agricultural colleges (Madagascar)

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A few weeks ago, as part of the partnership between Cneap, Fifata and Fert, Jean-François Tambourin, farmer in the Basque Country, President of Creap Aquitaine and Yvon Le Norcy, the Secretary General of Cneap from 1990 to 2010, is visited…
Fert EADR_CNEAP_Formation Module

Members of the network “Awareness raising on rural development” remain mobilized

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The Education Network Awareness raising on rural development which brings together the educational and administrative staff of the agricultural secondary schools of Cneap, has a meeting in Paris from 8 to 10 April 2013 for a new session of…

Fifata acquires a website to promote its actions

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The peasant organization Fifata Madagascar, accompanied by Fert since its creation in 1989, wanted to make its action more visible on Internet. With this new tool, which is sober and dynamic, the user curious as to the agronomist warned will…

An international and solidarity week in the agricultural colleges of Cneap

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Every year since 1998, the Week of International Solidarity  (SSI) animates the third week of November. For this great national meeting on  awareness of international solidarity and sustainable development, thousands of events are held all…