
Grouping of agricultural colleges actors to Ambalavao [Madagascar]

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From June 30th to July 10th, the 4 agricultural colleges network's stakeholders in Madagascar  have their annual reunion to Ambalavao. This event allowed the teams to take stock of the 2013-2014 school year and prepare for the next. Youth…

On the way to the impact of development education and international solidarity

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For two years, nine organizations operating in the field of awerness raising (CCFD, Cefode, CFSI, Communauté d'agglomération Evry Centre Essonne, Cneap, Fert, Le Partenariat, Starting-Block, Fédération Artisans du Monde) worked…

EADR-SI : 7th meeting for the network

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Thursday 15 and Friday, May 16, 2014 , the Education Network In Rural Development and International Solidarity met at the headquarters of Cneap in Paris for a new meeting. This is the seventh meeting since the first steps of the network in March…

Fert partner of a call for projects 2014 on the theme ‘family farming’

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Because of the International Year of Family Farming, the Agency for Micro - Projects (AMP) in partnership with Fert, calls for proposals on the theme of family farming.     AMP, created in 1983 and attached to "La Guilde",…
Fert - Plaidoyer 16 ONG Madagascar