On the way to the impact of development education and international solidarity

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For two years, nine organizations operating in the field of awerness raising (CCFD, Cefode, CFSI, Communauté d'agglomération Evry Centre Essonne, Cneap, Fert, Le Partenariat, Starting-Block, Fédération Artisans du Monde) worked…

EADR-SI : 7th meeting for the network

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Thursday 15 and Friday, May 16, 2014 , the Education Network In Rural Development and International Solidarity met at the headquarters of Cneap in Paris for a new meeting. This is the seventh meeting since the first steps of the network in March…

Investir avec les agriculteurs en Afrique : bonne ou mauvaise idée ?

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Dans le cadre de l’année internationale de l’agriculture familiale, Fert et Farm, ont organisé le 7 mai 2014 un petit-déjeuner débat sur le thème « Investir avec les agriculteurs en Afrique : bonne ou mauvaise idée ? ». Cette…

Fert partner of a call for projects 2014 on the theme ‘family farming’

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Because of the International Year of Family Farming, the Agency for Micro - Projects (AMP) in partnership with Fert, calls for proposals on the theme of family farming.     AMP, created in 1983 and attached to "La Guilde",…
Fert cneap cooperation internationale

Annual session of heads of institutions Cneap in La Rochelle: international cooperation in the spotlight

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From November 20 to 22 held in La Rochelle the annual meeting of principals of Cneap (National Council of private agricultural education) involving almost 180 principals. This edition was the opportunity to addressed during two half-day mission…